
Friday 11 November 2016

Warning: Paytm can Hack your NetBanking id password and even OTP

On the eve of the New Independence of India from Black Money and Fake currency, the Paytm app is currently gaining a lot of popularity. There are some advantages of using the apps on mobile for easy and quick payment but it could be very well connected to NetBanking fraud. Please take this message seriously and read on to understand why using Paytm app or any other app like could get your NetBanking account compromised.

Paytm is nowdays very popular for small payments in India and you can pay even the local chaiwala with it. This is great but there is a lot of paytm fraud going on as well. Not only from external people but the exploit can be done by the paytm developers themselves. Let me give you an example.

1. In the Paytm app there is an option to add money to your account by the click of a button.

2. When you click this button you navigate to a place where it asks you to specify the amount.

3. Next you select your bank name

4. Now you login to your bank account using your account id password combination.

Here is the catch. As per bank security regulations you should only log in to bank account where you can clearly see the bank website address which we cannot see here. But within the app you cannot see the bank website header. and the https:// which ensures that you are logged into the bank website. Within a third party app it is possible to read the keypress using keylogger and read your userid and password. An unsuspecting customer of this service does not know what the developer has programmed in the background so this feature is unsafe. 

Given above is an example from hdfcbank website netbanking where you can see the https: for secure connection and the bank url clearly in a reliable web browser. You may topup Paytm on your computer where you can clearly see your bank website URL and the https.

 5. Once you start making the payment through the bank the bank sends an OTP SMS to your mobile phone. It sends a message like: " One Time Password for NetBanking transaction is 123456. Please use this to complete your transaction. But did you know that the Paytm app may be authorized by you to read this sms or OTP messages? It is a huge risk to let any apps to read your SMS messages, specially apps that involve online payment as they can read your NetBanking OTP messages as well. Neither the government, nor the banks, nor google apps or apple store deeply scrutinize the programs for fraudulent behavior. It is mostly up to you to keep your money safe.

6. In order to prevent Paytm, or any other app to read you SMS / contacts / or anything in your phone which you have accidentally enabled without knowing the consequences, please navigate to Settings > Installed Apps > App Name (Paytm in this case) > Permissions manager > here uncheck all the permissions you do not wish to give to these apps. Never let any mobile app read your contacts and sms messages at least.

This is ensure that your NetBanking account is safe with you and the Paytm developers cannot steal your Netbanking details and OTP without your knowledge. Even if they dont this is for your own safety and security.

7. If you ever receive an OTP message when you are not performing any NetBanking transaction please immediately change your NetBanking password.

Thanks for reading this, please share the post with everyone and spread awareness.

Monday 17 October 2016

Who is the real culprit of Kashmir? A must reading for every INDIAN.

It's long but surely deserves careful consideration.
Read till the end. PLEASE.

Attack on Uri army camp in India, by Pakistani terrorists.
It can be economic blockade.
It can be water stoppage for Sindhu and five rivers of Punjab going into Pakistan, or Surgical strikes inside.

But the big question is.. Can India attack Pakistan this week?

But still.. 69 years of handling of Jammu and Kashmir by India is something we have to look at right now. Can India afford to hit Pakistan where it hurts the most, for Pakistan's obsession with Jihadi terror export all these decades?

It is must deeper than that.. Geo politics!

Pakistan  had even offered to give up East Pakistan in 1950s, in return for Jammu and Kashmir on the sidelines of official discussions with India! So definitely it is not religion or Kashmiris.. it is much deeper than that. It was water sources then, but now much more deeper

Yes, water is an issue.

It is China..It is China and CPEC: The "thing" is the CPEC: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. If you look at it closely suddenly everything falls into place. Kashmir, Balochistan, India's unwillingness to strike, silence of international community, everything else. Pakistan is just a front. 

The real sponsor is hiding behind.

 Pakistan sponsors terrorism to get Kashmir. It is not that simple. Pakistan kept the Kashmir flame burning until the 1990s to meet their ends, when China conceived the CPEC and decided to take over. A bit on the CPEC as no one seems to have heard about it. China has a huge geographic handicap: no access to southern world oceans.

So Chinese shipments from Europe, Middle East, Africa have to travel all the way around India, Malacca and ASEAN. China has serious problems with most countries in that region due to its aggressive military posture
Why Pakistan is so important for Chinese economy? What if China could get a route through Pakistan to access the Arabian Sea?  That, is the CPEC. A corridor of highways and railways will run from Kashgar in China to Gwadar in Pakistan (Baluchistan) on the Arabian sea near Iran border. And ALL the infrastructure and associated stuff for CPEC will be constructed for Pakistan by China, free or cost or for negligible loans.

What is CPEC?Four Six-lane Expressways from north to south Pakistan, four different routes. All main railway lines being upgraded to 160 kph double. A six to eight lane super expressway Karachi to Gwadar and Hyderabad Innumerable coal, thermal, solar and hydro power plants all across Pakistan. All of Gwadar, including a mega international airport! Then Hospitals, schools, colleges, tech institutes, even a Metro line in Lahore!

But why is Jammu and Kashmir involved here?  Now, on the Karakoram highway, this is where it matters most for India. It connects China and Pakistan, though India! Through Jammu and Kashmir, which legally acceded to India in 1947 October.   Gilgit Baltistan area of Jammu and Kashmir state, which legally belongs to India, but illegally occupied by Pakistan. Keep in mind, China also occupies illegally the eastern and northern part of Jammu and Kashmir - Shaksgam valley (gifted by Pakistan in 1960s) and Aksai Chin (occupied by China in 1950s when it annexed Tibet).
The highway passes through Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan and China are connected through Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK for short). Pakistan calls this Gilgit-Baltistan area of Jammu and Kashmir, as Northern Territories sometimes.
 A high-capacity highway across the Himalayas!

Now, though the CPEC is a recent thing, the idea had taken birth long back. The Karakoram highway started building in 1959, opened in 1979! Possibly Pakistan had refused China access to Gwadar then as they could. But now they have no other choice but hand over to China.

        ....OIL: Gwadar is just 400 km away from Muscat and 500 from the Strait of Hormuz through which all Gulf oil passes. 12 hours at sea! Proximity to Africa: China virtually owns much of Africa today. Billions in investment, buys natural resources. Nothing better than this. Pakistan as a market: China will flood Pakistan and Gulf with its cheap products and make a windfall there too. Proximity to new friend Sri Lanka.If USA/UK (control Malacca strait - Singapore) or India in Indian ocean decide to choke it, China will have no problem as it has CPEC.

But, all of CPEC and China's ambitions bearing fruit depends on the Karakoram highway. That depends on PoK continued to be occupied by Pakistan.

Money Involved: With the CPEC, China has sunk close to 50 BILLION Dollars in Pakistan. Of course, China gets free access to all this infrastructure in Pakistan. With this, 20% of Pakistan's GDP is now Chinese. China has Pakistan now firmly by the b***s, so much so that Pakistan can now be China's 24th province. With so much invested and at stake, China wouldn't even think twice about ruthlessly suppressing any attack on Pakistan, because they own it now.

Doesn't India know all this?  Pakistan is small fry. China is not.

Who would side with India? Mostly nobody. Why? Because China is involved. How international geopolitics work, most don't get that either. USA wants to support us because China makes it nervous. But US corporations are over invested in China, so Uncle Sam will look the other way. Russia - Don't even think about it. Putin has enough troubles at home, and India's pandering to Obama hasn't got him amused. Europe will sit just and watch (because China), and all of the Middle East will (clandestinely) support Pakistan for obvious reasons (Islam).
 International friendships are always based on "how can I benefit by allying", "what terrible can this guy do to me if I don't ally".

So, India will left out cold if it were to as much as touch Pakistan. We will mostly have to take on BOTH Pakistan and China. Mostly. Can India take on both Pakistan and China alone? From two (or three) flanks? We are surrounded by China's friends. What do we do? Dunno.

A bit more on the Karakoram highway: 1962, remember? What if the Chinese were testing the Indian waters before building the highway? China could've walked through India. Still, they withdrew. They were only testing India's resolve to defend PoK if it came to that. We have all but written off PoK.

Here is the Khunjerab Pass (PoK): the "top" of India, the border between India and China, but now Pakistan.

A sign in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir -
Here is the Karakoram highway near Gilgit in India (PoK) and under construction somewhere in the mountains. It should be obvious by now that China does NOT want India to reclaim its land lost to Pakistan in 1947 and 1948 - the strategic Karakoram ranges in Gilgit-Baltistan area of Jammu and Kashmir. It is as simply as that!
China owns Pakistan for most part today: CPEC and all associated stuff are called "China-Pakistan Friendship" something or the other. No friendship there. Just Chinese business. China is not doing business with Pakistan. It is running its business in Pakistan. It is running Pakistan. China pays for protection. If things get push to shove, China can tell US: "We will nationalize your businesses if you don't tell India to withdraw". What will we do?

What we should first realize is that there is no Pakistan. There is only China. Pakistan is just a front. We should deal accordingly. It is in China's interest to keep Kashmir burning. If there is peace in the valley, India MIGHT set its eyes on PoK. Chinese know that India has a strong Prime Minister today who can think of that. China does not want India to even think of getting PoK back. Of course, China did not light the Kashmir fire, but it certainly looks like it is them who keeps it burning that no consensus is reached. So, in addition to water, religion, ego, demographics and so on there is one more reason behind the Kashmir unrest: China and CPEC.

Is dialogue with Pakistan sensible? It is utter foolishness to think that in such a case we can resolve this through dialogue! We talk one thing while issue is another! Issue is NOT what we think is the issue! We and our govt should first understand this. I am sure they have. Hopefully they aren't helpless. China is waging a proxy-proxy-deceptive war which we cannot understand or prove or blame. We need to mobilize some other way.
Baluchistan's role: Why Pakistan got all worked up when India raised Balochistan? Gwadar is in Balochistan. Much of CPEC infra passes through Balochistan. The CPEC is China's hope at lifting its sagging economy and securing its strategic position in the region. Its future maybe depends on it. Karakoram- Hindukush- Pamir region since ancient times been strategically sensitive. The Silk Road. China wants control of the new Silk Road. If India were to take PoK we would squeeze the Karakoram Highway shut. No more CPEC, Silk Road. China done for. That is the whole game. Highways are primary military conduits rather than civilian. Whoever controls the highway controls the region.

Ultimately.. Pakistan's ultimate aim is to establish an Islamic caliphate. Apart from this China helps them through CPEC.  You might disagree with Modi et al but please support the govt right now in whatever action it takes. Politicking can wait. Wait two more months before taking any harsh decisions. Things might change post November.

What do you think India should do now, after reading this fully?
Ban Chinese things ... Save our country...."

Today China is the under the threat of economical slump. So china has devaluated its currency by 30%. According to the global economists, China will face economical slowdown by decreasing the prices of products by its domestic industries . so Chinese products will be available at very cheaper rate in Indian and other markets.
     But this is time to weaken Chinese economy, which we can do. Coz India is the biggest market for the China across the globe. China is making a business of 6.2 million crore of Indian rupees per annum from  Indian market.
       And as we know China is claiming Indian territory and acquiring border areas,It seems that China is always  in war stance with India. Also China is supporting Pakistan openly  to counter India to become a sub-continental leader.
       Hence this is the time to crush Chinese economy, hence I am requesting  each and every Indian  not to buy any Chinese product for upcoming one month at least. It will be great if you will not buy product ever which is Made in China.Even here to make an appeal to all Indian Merchants and retailers that plz do not deal in Chinese products for upcoming one month as those products are going to be more cheaper.
       This is the time to slap china and to become A Patriotic Indian. Lets do it for Nation.
Guys,. Spread this message as much as you can.We should avail each n every chance to counter against the powerful enemy like China.
     As the responsible citizen of The Republic of India, I am requesting you to make this message viral. Do not miss a single contact from your phone book.
      Your deed of not buying Chinese products and to tell the same to others is equally important to the Nation as the service by An Indian.
That's the least we Indians can do right now.

Sunday 2 October 2016

How To increase Breast Size Naturally at Home

Woman with small breasts feel that they are unattractive and unattended. They feel that they will not be able to satisfy their husband or partner and fear that their partner will easily be attracted by other woman with larger breasts.

While this is not entirely true in a relation, but studies have found that looking at breasts helps men to have a longer and healthier life. There are also men who like smaller breasts instead of huge ones. But, a loving wife tries to satisfy her husband in all possible ways and for this reason they wish to enhance their breast size as well as to increase their own attractiveness. I do not recommend woman to go for cosmetic surgery. So please have some faith and patience and follow the simple and easy to use home remedies to increase your breast size.

Given below are some simple tips that can help you increase your breast size easily.

1. Breast Message Technique

Messaging your breasts regularly will help you increase the breast shape and size and increase its firmness and will overall increase your sexuality. So every day during bath time spend around 10 minutes to gently message your own breasts. This will increase blood circulation and promote growth of tissues. Take a look at the image below and perform hand movements in circular manner as shown. Please avoid harsh and rigorous messaging as this could have negative effects. For breast messaging use of specialized oils can be very helpful. Please read on to find out more.

 2. Breast Message Oil using Olive Oil

100 ml olive oil
50 grams of the rind of the pomegranate fruit
20 grams cumin seeds
50 ml of pomegranate juice
Rind of the pomegranate fruit and cumin seeds mix with pomegranate juice in olive oil and boil until all the pomegranate juice is burn. Now after cooling store the oil and gently massage it over your breasts in the direction of clockwise and bottoms to the upper side.
Attention: - slowly massage the breasts if you take hard to massage it dissolve Fat deposited in your breast and your boobs can be small, so have to slowly.

3. Taking Ashwagandha churna

Ashvagandhadi powder (an Indian ayurvedic medicine made by the powder of winter cherry herb root. Winter cherry Latin name is Withania somnifera linn if you find this herb root easily in your country then make this powder at home also) 1-1 teaspoonfuls with milk in the morning and evening.
If ashwgndhadi churna is not available in your country and you are still unable to find winter cherry root then do not worry, You may take barley powder (malt) instead of winter cherry root powder. The powder is available at most patanjali stores and also available online shops like ebay.

4. Use of contraceptive pills.

Contraceptive pills contain a lot of female hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. They increase fluid retention in the body, specially breasts and helps increase softness and size of breasts in a short time. The effect lasts mostly as long as the pills as consumed and the body returns to normal once the medicine is stopped. There are several brands like Mala-D, Ovral, etc available in India and similar brands all over the world and abundantly available for cheap. You can try this for a few months and see if it works well for you. Please note that prolonged use of contraceptive pills increases chances of cancer but chances come down once the consumption is stopped. However, normal consumption is quite safe. You might also experience a slight weight gain, though the hormone primarily shows its effects on breast size.

5. Use of Almond Oil and Buffalo Milk for Breast Message

Take 125 ml Buffalo milk and mix 14 ml almonds oil (badam rogan) in this milk then apply (massaging) the mixture on your both breast, if you do this than your breast will get shape, tightness, and thickness. After using this tip, the breast will be developed in 7 days of using this method but for continue enjoy big b**s, repeat this process twice a week. This increases the cup size of your breasts.
1. Use only pure edible quality badam (almond) oil from reputed company. I recommended Hamdard rogan badam shirin for it.
2. Use all the 139 ml mixture at within 6 hours of making it. Or make a fresh mixture every day.
3. for quantity half glass milk is equal to 125-130 ml, and three teaspoon almonds oil is equal to 14-15 ml.
4. Use only Buffalo milk cow milk is not useful for this.

6. Just Almond Oil Message

Almonds contain monounsaturated oleic acid which is an omega-9 fatty acid and also contains linoleum acid (a polyunsaturated omega-6 essential fatty acid), and palmitic acid (a saturated fatty acid). So almond oil is a mild, lightweight oil which is easily absorbed by breast cells and enhances to storage of fats in breast mussels and full fill their fat cavity so always use almond oil and olive oil for breast massage if you want to grow your small breast and want to increase your cup size.

So go ahead and try these easy to use home based remedies to increase your breast size. Follow the techniques mentioned above and keep checking for improvement every week. I hope you will find promising results after a month. Have a happy and sexy life ahead. Good Luck.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

ISRO Launches the Reusable Launch Vehicle - Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) - Exclusive Photos

May 23, 2016 ISRO successfully flight tested India’s first winged body aerospace vehicle operating in hypersonic flight regime. 

In this experimental mission, the HS9 solid rocket booster carrying RLV-TD lifted off from the First Launch Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota at 07:00hr IST.  After a successful flight of 91.1second, HS9 burn out occurred, following which both HS9 and RLV-TD mounted on its top coasted to a height of about 56 km. At that height, RLV-TD separated from HS9 booster and further ascended to a height of about 65km.

From that peak altitude of 65 km, RLV-TD began its descent followed by atmospheric re-entry at around Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound). The vehicle’s Navigation, Guidance and Control system accurately steered the vehicle during this phase for safe descent. After successfully surviving a high temperatures of re-entry with the help of its Thermal Protection System (TPS), RLV-TD successfully glided down to the defined landing spot over Bay of Bengal, at a distance of about 450km from Sriharikota, thereby fulfilling its mission objectives. The vehicle was successfully tracked during its flight from ground stations at Sriharikota and a shipborne terminal. Total flight duration from launch to landing of this mission of the delta winged RLV-TD, lasted for about 770seconds.

In this flight, critical technologies such as autonomous navigation, guidance & control, reusable thermal protection system and re-entry mission management have been successfully validated.

ISRO acknowledge the support of Indian coast guard and National Institute of Ocean technology (NIOT) for the mid sea wind measurement and shipborne telemetry respectively in this mission.

Click the photos to enlarge.